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Writer's pictureRachel Deal

The Future of Athletic Training for Colleges and Universities

The landscape of collegiate athletic training is undergoing significant transformations, posing new challenges for universities and colleges. The traditional collegiate setting, once a primary and appealing work environment for Athletic Trainers (ATs), is now facing increased competition from a broader array of settings. This expansion of work settings exerts competitive pressure on colleges, as they vie for qualified ATs in a field where the total workforce remains static.

The NCAA has realized that this is an issue and organized the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports to meet to share information and invite a discussion with membership institutions. The CSMAS released a Statement on Collegiate Athletic Training Workforce Issues to address some of those concerns.

Unfortunately, the collegiate athletic training workforce has encountered heightened challenges, particularly during the recent pandemic. The total workload for ATs increased, leading to burnout and prompting many professionals to exit the profession or shift away from the collegiate space. This has resulted in shortages of ATs at the university and college level, indicating that colleges are losing the competition for these professionals to other, more attractive, work settings.

Moreover, the traditional Graduate Assistant (GA) model, once relied upon by schools as additional labor for low investment, is no longer available to these colleges as the AT education model changed and there are no longer GAs. As a consequence, universities and colleges are left grappling with the need for innovative solutions to address workforce shortages and elevate the quality of athletic training services.

Enter WaveOn Health (WOH), a revolutionary solution poised to fill the gaps in universities' and colleges' athletic medicine. By becoming the future of athletic training and leveraging cutting-edge technology, WOH not only adapts to the changing dynamics of the athletic training landscape but also provides an appealing alternative for ATs seeking a more balanced and fulfilling professional life.

WOH's seamless integration of services aligns with the needs of ATs and collegiate athletic departments, making it an attractive option for universities and colleges striving to secure top-tier athletic training professionals.

As other settings grapple with challenges, WOH stands as the answer, offering a transformative approach that redefines the future of athletic training in collegiate settings.

Do you know a college or university experiencing staffing shortages or lacking a dedicated athletic trainer for all sports? Explore how WOH could offer a solution to their needs.


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