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The Future of University, College, and High School Athlete Health

The landscape of athletic training is undergoing a transformation, posing new challenges for universities, colleges, and high schools.

The culture within college and high school athletics leaves athletic trainers feeling stretched thin, under compensated, under appreciated, and poses a significant challenge for an industry seeking to attract and retain highly motivated and resilient professionals.


The traditional collegiate and high school settings, once a primary and appealing work environment for Athletic Trainers (ATs), are now facing increased competition from a broader array of settings. This expansion exerts competitive pressure on high schools and colleges, as they vie for qualified ATs in a field where the total workforce remains static.


Fewer athletic trainers are willing to work in the schools under the current conditions, so how do schools still care for these athletes? 

How WaveOn Health can help universities, colleges, and high schools:

1. Increased capacity.

Increase athletic trainer capacity during your busy seasons or when sports seasons overlap to ensure that all athletes have access to timely care.

2. Remote therapy monitoring.

Automate the treatment of non-acute injuries so that in-person staff can focus their time on triage of emergent injuries and focus on treatment of acute injuries.

3. Improved AT morale.

Morale is improved with decreased student athlete patient load, sufficient staffing ratios, reduced administrative responsibilities, and being able to take time off, leading to a decrease of burnout and turnover in staff. 

Athlete Concentrating

The Future of Athletic Training

WaveOn Health is addressing the AT hiring crisis by providing quick, cost effective, and equitable support to student athletes, ensuring reduced injuries, faster recovery, and streamlined processes for athletic departments.

Young Basketball Player

Hear how WaveOn Health can help your school.

Click the button below to see a video from CEO Adam Halpern, on how WaveOn Health can assist schools with or without an athletic trainer. 


Sign-up now to get started using WaveOn Health in your university, college or high school athletic department NOW!

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